FITS Excom Conference Call 10/8/2015 10:00am-11:45am
Julie Defilippi
Thom Litts
Andrew Loftus
Jeffrey Ojala
Jeff Kopaska
Rebecca Krogman
- Website Update
- Rebecca provided an update, not much has changed since last call.
- New website is ready
- Still working on member portal
- Rebecca provided an update, not much has changed since last call.
- IMS (sp?) has been contracted to work on the website
- This will increase the cost of the project-Julie
- This is also delaying the timeline-Julie
- Jeff Kopaska confirmed that IMS is pretty expensive but didn’t have any specific numbers
- Rebecca- The goal of this is to be seamless, but not sure whether this work will achieve this.
- Rebecca feels that the decision makers didn’t take a lot of the advice that was given by ESAB, wait and see if members have issues with it.
- Julie emphasized that most people were frustrated with functionality not so much appearance, hopefully the functionality will be improved even if the appearance still isn’t perfect.
- Newsletter update
- Nick and Jeffery will be talking on Monday and getting a plan set going forward
- We have a member submission from Tennessee about side scan sonar
- Jeff suggested including an announcement about MINK
- Nick should plug FAMS in the newsletter
- Will also include a pres byte, and summaries from the two symposia
- Update about Jeff Kopaska’s survey
- Follow up with Kristen, and cc Keith (Jeff will get me contact info)
- OFWIM update
- Jeff mentioned that in two years the meeting will likely be in the Midwest so it could be a good opportunity for everyone to get together.
- Julie introduced Jeffery Ojala
- Will be working on newsletter and possibly website
- Nicole will hopefully be working on communication and possibly website stuff as well
- Symposia ideas for next year-Julie
- Discussion with Jodi regarding the world fisheries congress.
- Julie thinks that we should continue to push fisheries data management as a symposium topic.
- Rebecca questions whether there will be much new information since the exchange standards project is moving kind of slow
- Julie mentioned that she agrees, but that it doesn’t need to focus on the exchange, just good data management in general.
- Katie Pearson has left USGS so Jen will be taking over some of the components of this work.
- Not a lot yet, but we need to start thinking about this because the deadline is coming up fast – Julie
- Miscellaneous
- Andy- Has the FAMS licensing stuff with the people in Wisconsin been taken care of.
- Added to our FAMS folder
- Andy- Confirmed with Nick that banking is fully transitioned
- Nick confirmed it has been.
- FAMS loan
- 1 year is up on the 31st, will begin paying interest going forward
- We would be paying interest on about $10,000, initially was $25,000
- We have sold $15,000 worth
- Contact Fisheries administrators section potentially to plug sale of the software.
- “makes a great holiday gift”
- Andy mentioned that we need to get rid of a few age and growth dvds
- Let him know if you need a copy
- Sending them to Rebecca
- Other business- Julie asked
- No one had any so the call was ended
- People who were interested stayed on call for further discussion of ESAB news
- Let him know if you need a copy
- We would be paying interest on about $10,000, initially was $25,000
- 1 year is up on the 31st, will begin paying interest going forward
- Andy- Has the FAMS licensing stuff with the people in Wisconsin been taken care of.