FITS Executive Committee Conference Call Notes: November 12, 2015
AFS Web Updates:
- Website needs role out – Doug Austin 22 Oct, has contract with IMIS Group (for portal work. 4-6 weeks from this date to online. Julie will follow up on launch date and reiterate that the ESAB should have the ability to review.
- Spreadsheet of issues – nothing critical from FITS/ESAB perspective.
- Some question of FITS vs ESAB roles form leadership so Julie will clarify this distinction at next meeting.
FITS Web & Newsletter:
- Current newsletter is out. We have some items ready to go for next one.
- Nick, Tom & Jeff O. now have access to modify FITS web pages.
- Document under development so others could take on this task PRN.
- Jeff to update officers’ page and review other sections.
- Glen Hallowell would like to us to make members aware of new software.
- Currently our software reviewer is Gary Ash but he may be inactive. Julie will contact to determine if he is still interested.
- Should we have an archive/museum section to the software page?
- Clearly items like Palm based tech is no longer applicable.
- We may have some of the only existing copies of older software.
- Often no replacement options exist so the archive may help others with code help and/or historic perspective.
- Julie will reach out to members to gather input on archive and a list of what is current and what isn’t for most users. This will also help people see FITS role in the AFS community.
FITs Numbers:
- Member numbers vs viable emails have been recorded in a local DB. Julie will manage for now and look into how to share this responsibility.
- Renewal of AFS membership has not charge to join FITS. Looks like the problem effects several sections. Julie will contact Doug Austin to look into a fix.
Data Standards:
- Fish data management is convinced to use available PNAMP tools but need help in getting funding.
- OFWIM is working on a list of existing data standards so they may be willing to help on this front.
- Data standard success stories have been based on legal obligation so not helping most other agencies get onboard.
- End user tools would help get people to buy in:
- Where are the end user tools?!? Everyone should submit toolbox ideas.
- What other benefit to help get onboard?
- We have older presentations to help document an effective path. Use VA Dpt of Game & Inland Fish as positive, no funds approach, case study.
- Rebecca & Jeff O. will try to participate in the next FDX meeting.
No other business, meeting adjourned 12:07 EST.
Respectfully submitted by Jeffrey V. Ojala – acting secretary.