See What FITS Is About – Business Meeting Tuesday before the Social

Do you want to network with professionals that have LOADS of fisheries technology knowledge? Would you like to learn more about how advanced tech is being used in fisheries? Are you interested in learning new types of software, or want to connect with people who know how to code or are working with Big Data?

The Fisheries Information and Technology Section is all about connecting fisheries professionals with the solutions they need to do their job. Whether you are a student, field biologist, study leader, or data manager, we have a place for you in the Section.

The business meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, from 5:30-7:00pm in Peppermill Hotel, Sorrento 3. We will briefly cover old business, but then spend most of our time talking about new committees and projects. We would love to hear your thoughts and get some help on new ideas!

Proposed Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Recognition of Guests
  3. AFS Officer and Guest Remarks
  4. Determination of Quorum
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Approval of Last Year’s Minutes (Read the minutes here)
  7. President’s Comments
  8. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report
  9. Committee Reports
    1. Communications Committee
    2. Policy Committee
  10. Old Business
  11. New Business
    1. Election Results and Change of Officers
    2. Center for Fisheries Technology and Collaboration
    3. Fisheries Data Exchange Standards  and Book Chapter
    4. Partnership Travel Award 2020
    5. Other Business?
  12. Adjourn


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