AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2020
Attendees: Dan, Kayla, Tiffany, Paul
- Discuss business meeting feedback
- Table discussion on meeting feedback for next meeting
- Please read over before next meeting
- AFS 2020 updates
- Big Data symposium (speakers, coordination, funding) (Dan)
- Reach out to AFS management section for help with advertisement
- 4 confirmed, have leads on more
- Deadline for symposia is 21st: Dan is the lead on getting the application submitted
- Running title “Merging data science and fisheries science to solve big problems”
- Table publication talk until have better idea of talks.
- Potential for cross over keynote with NOAA’s UAV/Trailcam symposium (lead by Philip Hoffman).
- Symposium on UAV/trailcam use – collaboration with NOAA (Rebecca/Dan)
- Bayesian analysis in fisheries symposium (Paul)
- Requested and were granted FITS support in the form of promotional help. Effectively non-monetary sponsorship.
- Tech talk (Rebecca)
- Table to next meeting for Rebecca’s updates, passing of torch to Paul
- 150 year booth planning (Rebecca)
- Table to next meeting for Rebecca’s updates
- Discuss continuing education at AFS 2020
- Repeat this year’s data management workshop (1Day)?
- Due to popularity, ExCom would like to repeat this workshop for next year
- Action Item: Kayla to contact Keith Hurley
- Also offer one on big data (could help get more agency folks)?
- Would we have issues with super computer access?
- Ideas on what that would look like?
- Choose a popular big data analytic technique?
- How options for transforming data for sharing?
- Something around “working/transferring/ manipulating” big data
- Option to have this as a part of the data management workshop?
- We should poll our membership (for ideas, or to vote on a list)
- Support one on survey data and connecting them to spatial data?
- Table to next meeting for Rebecca’s updates
- Quarterly fisheries articles (Sarah)
- No update to report
- CFTC status (Doll?)
- Steve Kambouris has emailed FITS : AFS wants to know if this can be rolled out by next meeting in Columbus
- Is this possible?
- From Doll: No progress so far, he can access WordPress site, but hasn’t come up with a way to integrate the software
- Steve is probably more interested in hardware at this point (important to most vendors)
- Steve is also interested in ideas for showcasing the progression of fisheries technology, which overlaps with plans for our 150 year booth.
- Table to next meeting for Rebecca’s updates
- Travel Award (Paul/Rebecca)
- Discussion from last call
- Twice a year
- Need to pick two due dates
- Any conference, applicant makes the case for which conference they wish to attend
- Applicants serve on selection committee for following year
- Other business
- Kayla created and sent annual financial report to Paul and Rebecca for approval
- Action Item: Paul to get with Rebecca about submission process
- Software sells for 2019 were all FAMS 64bit. We sold 15 at the rate of $154 and 11 at $220 for a total of $4,730. Kayla sent invoice to AFS for $4,493.5 (less 5% for credit card fees).
- Proactive planning of annual meeting symposia
- We would like to stay one year ahead, like we did this year with Big Data
- Action Item: Everyone think about topics for 2021 symposium
- Could potentially come up with a few options and poll the members or make a call for symposia ideas from our members
- Kayla created and sent annual financial report to Paul and Rebecca for approval
- Discussion from last call
- Steve Kambouris has emailed FITS : AFS wants to know if this can be rolled out by next meeting in Columbus
- Repeat this year’s data management workshop (1Day)?
- Big Data symposium (speakers, coordination, funding) (Dan)
Next Meeting Feb 14th