Subject experts are needed to assist on several efforts.
If interested please contact a FITS officer.
These efforts are:
- Regulatory changes to the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act have been proposed that will have significant impacts to fisheries.
- We need NEPA experts to help review the proposed changes to identify concerns and provide information to Drue Winters as she drafts a response from AFS.
- The comment period on these changes is short and ends in March so this is an ASAP.
- Please have a section volunteer contact Drue directly
- The AFS Dam Removal Policy has expired
- Volunteers are needed to work with Drue to update the AFS Dam Removal Policy
- At this point, the group working on this policy is biased towards the east coast and does not have international input
- Climate change policy engagement
- It would be great to have expertise from each section as this engagement will be a multi-year effort moving forward
- AFS is looking to make some specific recommendations on actions that can be taken using expertise from each of the AFS units