AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2020
Attendees: Dan, Kayla, Rebecca, Paul
- Review of business meeting feedback
- Goals
- Filming continuing education workshops
- Host on a website, potentially charge small fee for non-members to watch or make access only for members of FITS (incentives for joining FITS).
- If non-AFS member interested then should have a separate rate (maybe $25). What are the odds of non-members finding these recordings?
- Search engine Action Item: Rebecca to get with website persons to get access to change SEO to relevant searches and see about single sign on to SSO for our site.
- Biggest costs for workshops are bringing in an instructor
- Goals
- AFS 2020 updates
- Big Data symposium update (Dan)
- It has been accepted!
- Full day
- 4 or 5 confirmed speakers
- Descriptions are supposed to go up on website today – good link to advertising for speakers
- Send any suggestions of specific people that may be interested to Dan
- Post on website and social media and reach out to fisheries management section- Sara Tripp from Missouri
- Some folks are not getting emails – Action item: Rebecca will look into this next week
- Symposium on UAV/trailcam use (Paul)
- Has been approved!
- Tech talk (Rebecca)
- Feedback :
- Increased visibility
- Ideas:
- Live streaming externally or project onto screen outside of the vendor area
- Large projected slide show loop for vendors in general to advertise who is inside the trade show and facilitate interest
- Feedback :
- Big Data symposium update (Dan)
- 150 year booth planning (Rebecca)
- Potential costs probably around $750/$1000 plus work to organize and issues with security
- 3D glasses
- Old phones need at least 2 ($60 each)
- 3D camera as a prize ($200-300)
- Financial support only for shipping items to the meeting- not cost of the booth
- We will be charged for any furnishings like chairs and tables (potentially over $100 ; other costs could include $132 for electric, other equip you have to rent from individual vendor or bring your own, dividers are $75 each)
- Action Item: Paul will talk with AFS about security and funding
- Potential costs probably around $750/$1000 plus work to organize and issues with security
- Updates/discussion re. continuing education at AFS 2020.
- Action item: Paul to see if we can still submit a proposal for data management workshop
- Human Dimensions Data Cont. Ed- New format where each 20 minute block will be focused around a specific subject and people are free to come and go to subjects that they are interested in.
- CFTC status (Rebecca)
- Feedback:
- “Amazon like”
- Reviews and info
- Science reviews
- Identify user expert opinion or experiences
- Prices listed clearly or users can share what they have paid before
- Need to be sure that it stays neutral ground
- Should be monetized with vendors paying to be listed
- Online access issues
- Feedback:
- Travel Award (Paul/Rebecca)
- 2 per year – 6 months apart
- Winner picks the conference
- Past winners to help with applications
- Next meeting we will start the planning process
- Other business
Next Meeting March 13th