Dear FITS members,
We are requesting feedback on a potential by-law change that would reduce FITS presidency terms from 6 to 4 years.
Leading officers currently serve a total of 6 years (two as president-elect, two as president, and two as past president), which can be a barrier to recruitment and participation. This is a long-term commitment that can be difficult to make or maintain because workloads and availability can change a lot in 6 years.
The ExCom feels that a 4-year term (one year each as second vice-president, first vice-president, president, and past president) is less of a barrier but sufficiently long to allow for knowledge transfer between junior and senior officers.
Please share your thoughts on this potential change via email to by 29 June 2020. If there is reasonable support, then we will prepare an amendment that reflects your feedback, and then put it to an official vote. If you are interested in assisting with the bylaws revision, please let us know in your email. Thank you for your input!
Thank you,
Your FITS ExCom
Paul Venturelli, President
Tiffany Hopper, President-Elect
Rebecca Krogman, Past President
Kayla Key, Secretary-Treasurer