Our CFT Partner Jonah Ventures has started creating dashboards for visualization and analysis of metabarcoding and qPCR time series data. Check it out!
Many of our clients collect data over time and are in need of customize visualizations. At Jonah, we have begun creating new informative dashboards for our clients. Our JonahInsight Dashboard optimizes visualization and analysis for both metabarcoding and qPCR time series data for aquatic communities, plant pathogens, and diet. Easy visualization of data helps our clients to more quickly understand and act on the results they receive from us. Interested clients are recommended to contact Jonah about options.
In addition, Jonah Ventures is rolling out a data management system for handling the massive amounts of eDNA sample information. Good data management is essential for success, so we are happy to see this coming!
Tagged Under: data management, eDNA, qPCR, time series, visualization