

Fish BC Update and Survey

Submitted by Jeff Kopaska The AFS Fisheries Information & Technology Section (AFS-FITS) is in the process of reviewing some of the important pieces of software it has provided over the years. Recent changes in operating systems for PC computers have rendered older programs potentially unusable in current environments. These issues led AFS-FITS to work with... Read More

Symposium Summary: New Technologies Abound; Collaboration Trending Up

Submitted by Damon Hess and Katie Pierson November 18 (Portland, OR) – In a packed conference room of 109 participants from 35 organizations, Bill Bradbury challenged attendees at the “Emerging Technologies in Field Data Collection” workshop to become more efficient in their monitoring activities. As Northwest Power and Conservation Council Chair, Mr. Bradbury has been... Read More

USGS/NAS Database Releases New Web API

Submitted by Pam Fuller The U.S. Geological Survey’s Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) database ( functions as a repository and clearinghouse for occurrence information on nonindigenous aquatic species from across the United States. The NAS database contains spatially referenced biogeographic information on more than 1,000 species introduced since 1800, including foreign species and North American native... Read More

FAMS Now Available for Windows 7 & 8

Submitted by Andy Loftus The popular software Fishery Analysis and Modelling Simulator (FAMS) that AFS offered for Windows XP and earlier machines has been recently upgraded and enhanced to make it operable on Windows 7 & 8. The software, which is designed to simulate and evaluate the dynamics of exploited fish populations, allows for the... Read More

Symposium Summary: Gaining Better Understanding of Resources and Resource Users through the Application of Emerging Technologies

Symposium Summary The Fisheries Information and Technology Section and Socioeconomics Section co-hosted a symposium this year to highlight the use of new and innovative technologies in the study of fisheries resources and resource users.  There was an excellent session that covered a range of topics from recreational and commercial data collection to the study of... Read More

Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 Update

Submitted by Steve R. Chipps FITS members – a quick update on Fish Bioenergetics 4.0. This summer we finalized a database that contains parameter estimates for 108 bioenergetics models —  quite an increase from the 33 models in Fish Bioenergetics 3.0!  We also completed a literature review of bioenergetics models and developed an Endnote library... Read More

FITS Contributes to 2014 OFWIM Meeting

The 2014 Conference and Annual Meeting of the Organization of Fish & Wildlife Information Managers was held in Flagstaff, AZ September 28 – October 2, 2014. Approximately 60 members and guests attended and shared more than 40 posters and technical presentations. Training classes on Python and Fulcrum were offered. There was fine weather for field... Read More

HTI Workshops Coming Soon

Using Acoustic Tags to Track Fish 5-6 February 2015 – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Attend Online or On-Site at University of Washington School of Aquatic Fishery Sciences, Seattle, WA This course addresses all aspects of tracking fish movement with acoustic tags, including three-dimensional tracking with sub-meter resolution. It includes hands-on-operation and a variety of fish... Read More

Developing a National Fisheries Data Exchange Standard

Symposium Summary Many agencies and organizations conduct fisheries and aquatic ecology surveys that result in a wealth of data needed by research and management communities. These data could significantly advance the goals of national and regional scale initiatives if information was more readily exchanged.   Improving data exchange between the United States and our international neighbors... Read More

The National Stream Internet Project

Submitted by Dan Isaak Hi Everyone, I’m writing with regards to a new national project we have underway that stream techno-geeks might be interested in. We call it “The National Stream Internet Project.” It’s prompted by the fact that accurate, high resolution information to describe the status and trends of water quality and aquatic biotas... Read More