Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 2/09/17 12:00pm-Central



Julie DeFilippi Simpson

Nick Sievert

Jeff Ojala

Rebecca Krogman

Andy Loftus

Jodi Whittier

Jeff Kopaska



  • MARIS Website
    • Nick sent out an email to Jeff outlining an agreement to pay $500 for migrating the FAMS website upon completion.
  • Website
    • Rebecca no new news
  • Fits goals
    • Julie has been on the search for a good site
      • Best option BoardHost
        • Less “forum-y” than other options
      • Better option may be to do this on our website
      • Rebecca says ncd may have found a good option
      • Consensus is that it makes sense to have on our website
        • Drawback- putting effort on website when we are planning to migrate soon
      • Benefits to hosting on a forum is logon information is not required
      • Decision is that Julie will post on either forumotion or boardhost and set up a discussion which doesn’t require users to login.
    • Tampa Symposium (Julie)
      • Have around 10 speakers already lined up
      • Fisheries Data Management Skills and Techniques (Symposium Title)
    • Continuing Education
      • Need to talk with Jessica and figure out what the plan is (Jeff K)
    • Midyear Governing Board Meeting-fdx
      • No midyear report this year
      • In its place mention important things we are working on
        • Symposium, goals, website-julie
        • Not ready for bringimg up fdx-julie
          • Jeff K- Feds don’t have the resources they used to, but need is still there
            • Many states are in real trouble, gone backwards 20 years
            • Andy- Need resources, been a struggle and likely to get worse, but there still will be money there through external agreements
          • Andy- Opportunities exist to get Federal grants to come through FITS or through the parent society directly. There are pros and cons to doing each.
            • Lower overhead doing FITS and also more control, less hassle of trying to coordinate with parent society-andy
            • Parent society offers more leverage-andy
            • Could request for AFS staff assistance to work with us for identifying and pursuing federal grants-Andy
            • Julie- Propose this as a statement of need from our members as Jeff K mentioned
            • Julie-Will put together a statement and then ask for feedback from us.
          • Software Review (Julie)
            • One of the goals was to archive all our software from the website.
            • Has not been done yet, one member asked to have his old software taken down, don’t want to do so until we get it archived.
            • He also has new software he wants reviewed but Gary hasn’t been able to find anyone to review the software.
              • We can help identify people to test the software
              • Jeff O may know salmonid people who would be willing to test out the software.
              • Coordinate with Gary once we are able to find some people who were reviewers
            • We have been sitting on this a long time, would be nice to get it taken care of for Glenn.

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