A Tech Talk is a fresh new way to check out solutions without the pressure that may come from walking through the trade show. FITS has worked closely with AFS Bethesda to identify a few vendors who wanted to share a really cool solution or product with you in a different way. If you have any curiosity about some of the products or companies listed below, we strongly encourage you to attend their Tech Talk (and give us any feedback you have)!
- Drones: Not Just for Spying on Your Neighbor
- Wildlife Computers
- Gyotaku Demo I and II
- Big Fin Scientific
- Smith-Root’s eDNA Sampler System
- Biomark’s Data Collection Module
- Electrofishing Reinvented
In addition, two vendors are conducting longer “workshops” which you may be interested in:
- InnovaSea/VEMCO-led Acoustic Telemetry
- Oregon RFID-led PIT Tag Selection
Tagged Under: 2019, center for technology and collaboration, cftc, meeting, products, solutions worth sharing, tech talk, trade show