

Big Data Symposium 2020 **UPDATE**

The Fisheries Information Technology Section is pleased to announce a symposium for AFS 2020 in Columbus centered around emerging challenges associated with processing, manipulating, and analyzing large data sets to inform fisheries and aquatic science or, broadly speaking, natural resource management.  See the full abstract description below and contact Dan Weaver ( or Paul Venturelli... Read More


**VOLUNTEERS NEEDED** Subject experts are needed to assist on several efforts. If interested please contact a FITS officer. These efforts are: Regulatory changes to the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act have been proposed that will have significant impacts to fisheries. We need NEPA experts to help review the proposed changes to identify concerns and provide information... Read More

Big Data Symposium

Greetings FITS members: Are you a manager or researcher that uses large data sets? The FITS ex-comm is putting together a symposium for AFS 2020 in Columbus entitled: “Challenges and Opportunities of Using Big Data to Address Fisheries Management Issues.” We would like you to contribute! Here is a description of our symposium: Advancing technologies... Read More

Plan Ahead for Easy Meeting Scheduling!

Did you know there will not be a printed scheduled for AFS Reno? Plan your meeting early by taking the following steps: Download the meeting app to your smartphone. Click here for Google Play or here for Apple. Set up multi-device sync on the app (see instructions below). Visit and use the same credentials... Read More

Add a Workshop to Your Schedule!

FITS is proud to bring you the course Database Concepts, Designs, and Application in Wildlife and Fisheries Science, a relevant topic whether you are just starting out or have worked for a long time in the struggle to manage data well. We also encourage you to check out these great workshops and sign up if... Read More

2019 OFWIM Annual Meeting Second Workshop Offering

Kevin Oxenrider (WV DNR Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Leader) will be hosting OFWIM’s second workshop offering at the 2019 annual meeting: Herp Tracking and Technology! This is a perfect workshop for any biologist or information manager who wants to learn more about the tools used to collect spatial data and how these data are used... Read More