
FITS Business Meeting Set for September 17!

The annual business meeting of the Fisheries Information and Technology Section will be held September 17th from 4-5 PM Eastern Time. Please submit your agenda items to Kayla Key as soon as possible. More information will be posted on the event page and through this newsletter as it becomes available. We hope you can tune... Read More

AFS meeting organizers seeking help with Slack

Dear FITS community, Please read on if you have experience with Slack (or would like to learn), and are interested in helping AFS out with the virtual meeting. AFS is developing the Slack workspace and channels for the meeting, and needs additional help.  The goal is to have Slack be a primary tool for participants... Read More

Executive Committee August Meeting Minutes 2020

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes August 14, 2020 Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Tiffany Hopper, Kayla Key Virtual AFS meeting Big Data symposium (Dan via email) ExCom is discussing the symposium packages Live or not live CEC workshop (Paul) No report on workshops Action item: Paul to send email to... Read More

FITS vacancy: Communications and Outreach Coordinator

Dear FITS members, We are seeking a new Communications and Outreach Coordinator (COC) to replace Sarah Grasty. Sarah has done a wonderful job – thank you!! – and now her two-year term is up. The COC oversees section outreach and communications with Section and Society members. Activities and duties include emails to members, social media... Read More

Opportunity to rep FITS on the AFS Resource Policy Committee

Dear FITS members, Our very own Jodi Whittier will be chairing the AFS Resource Policy Committee this fall – congratulations, Jodi, and thank you for your service! If you are interested in taking over for Jodi as the FITS representative on the AFS Resource Policy Committee, then please send a short paragraph explaining your interest... Read More

Request for comments on revised bylaw changes

Dear FITS members, Thank you to all who commented on the proposed bylaw changes to reduce the length of time that a president serves from 6 to 4 years. Support was mixed, but a common concern was that serving as president for 1 year instead of 2 is insufficient time on the Governing Board to... Read More

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes July 2020

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes July 10, 2020 Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Tiffany Hopper, Kayla Key, Dan Weaver Virtual AFS meeting Big Data symposium (Dan) 9 presentations Pre-recorded talks with live discussion talks. Still unclear on process and waiting for further information from AFS leadership. CEC workshop (Paul) Meeting... Read More

Request for information about workflow documentation

Dear FITS members, I am emailing to learn about the software tools that you or your organization use to document your work flow as it relates to data cleaning, analysis, and reporting. Documentation may be for yourself, others on a project, or a wider audience. This request stems from my participation in the “Reproducible Science”... Read More

Membership Feedback on potential By-Law Changes

Dear FITS members, We are requesting feedback on a potential by-law change that would reduce FITS presidency terms from 6 to 4 years. Leading officers currently serve a total of 6 years (two as president-elect, two as president, and two as past president), which can be a barrier to recruitment and participation. This is a... Read More

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes June 2020

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes June 12, 2020 Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Tiffany Hopper Virtual AFS meeting 150 booth postponed to Baltimore 2021 (general discussion) AFS is asking units to preview their exhibits to the membership via brief descriptions in Fisheries. We will keep an eye out for further... Read More