

Request for comments on revised bylaw changes

Dear FITS members, Thank you to all who commented on the proposed bylaw changes to reduce the length of time that a president serves from 6 to 4 years. Support was mixed, but a common concern was that serving as president for 1 year instead of 2 is insufficient time on the Governing Board to... Read More

Request for information about workflow documentation

Dear FITS members, I am emailing to learn about the software tools that you or your organization use to document your work flow as it relates to data cleaning, analysis, and reporting. Documentation may be for yourself, others on a project, or a wider audience. This request stems from my participation in the “Reproducible Science”... Read More

Membership Feedback on potential By-Law Changes

Dear FITS members, We are requesting feedback on a potential by-law change that would reduce FITS presidency terms from 6 to 4 years. Leading officers currently serve a total of 6 years (two as president-elect, two as president, and two as past president), which can be a barrier to recruitment and participation. This is a... Read More

AFS Equal Opportunities Section Travel Award

The AFS Equal Opportunities Section is leading an effort to increase participation in the Society by graduate and undergraduate students from underrepresented groups, including women and minorities. Travel awards not exceeding $500 each will be awarded on a competitive basis to assist at least one graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D.) and one undergraduate student with... Read More

2nd VP Election: Meet the Candidates in this Webinar!

Dear membership, We have the 2nd VP Election coming up very soon.  As part of this we have a webinar scheduled for members to meet the candidates – Julie Defilippi Simpson and Cecil Jenniings.  This is a fantastic opportunity to get to know these two exceptional AFS members who have agreed to make the commitment... Read More

**Virtual Spring Conference** An Update from Leadership

AFS Virtual Spring Conference 2020: A message from leadership “We wanted to provide an update for you on the virtual conference.  We have a full 10 talks to lead us off on April 16 (Orth Plenary, 7 Alaska, 2 contributed), 48 submitted abstracts and counting, and over $5,000 raised so far from Sponsors!  As of... Read More

Submit Your Abstracts for the AFS 150th Meeting

Some outstanding symposia are planned for Columbus, Ohio. Don’t forget to prepare and submit your abstracts for the FITS-hosted symposium “Merging Data Science and Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences to Solve Big Problems.” Advancing technologies and software have allowed us to collect and process enormous amounts of data (aka “big data”). Big data are data that... Read More

FITS Photo Competition with Prize!

Try your hand this year at taking a virtual reality photo showing your fisheries work! FITS is looking for the best photos to highlight in a virtual-reality experience, to be presented at the 2020 AFS Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Submit your photos taken using the Google Cardboard Camera app for an awesome prize: a... Read More