
Conference Call

Attendees: Kayla, Adam (Guest), Paul, Rebecca, Julie Topics: Sonar Software Request – Adam Kaeser: Adam Kaeser (Guest): At the Tampa meeting, Dan Buscombe presented on PyHum, a program that processes sonar data and classification substrate types within the sonar imagery. This is a big advancement for this field as the feature classification is currently done... Read More

Conference Call

AFS Fisheries Information & Technology Section Executive Committee Conference Call June 8, 2017 11:00 – 11: EST   Julie Defilippi Simpson Jodi Whittier Andy Loftus Nick Sievert Jeff Ojala     Elections Update Julie- Election email has gone out. Got surveymonkey access from AFS so we didn’t have to use Andy’s account Nick will conduct... Read More

Conference Call

AFS Fisheries Information & Technology Section Executive Committee Conference Call May 18, 2017 11:00 – 11:45 EST   Julie Defilippi Simpson Jodi Whittier Jeff Kopaska Andy Loftus Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman     Annual Meeting Support Request from Parent Society Julie- Section Meeting Julie- How many attendees do we expect, how should we arrange furniture... Read More

Conference Call

AFS Fisheries Information & Technology Section Executive Committee Conference Call March 9, 2017 11:00 –   Julie Defilippi Rebecca Krogman Jodie Whittier Jeff Kopaska Andy Loftus   Julie –   Annual Meeting Support Request from Parent Society Issue:  FITS has been asked to provide support for the AFS Annual Meeting.   Discussion : The discussion... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 2/09/17 12:00pm-Central   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Simpson Nick Sievert Jeff Ojala Rebecca Krogman Andy Loftus Jodi Whittier Jeff Kopaska   Discussion: MARIS Website Nick sent out an email to Jeff outlining an agreement to pay $500 for migrating the FAMS website upon completion. Website Rebecca no new news Fits goals Julie... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 1/12/2017 12:00pm-Central   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Simpson Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman Andy Loftus Thom Litts Jeff Kopaksa Jennifer Bayer   Discussion: FDX Discussion Julie- Jennifer can you provide some insight into how USGS feels going forward Jennifer- Been a while since this has been discussed. Not a consensus on how to... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 12/8/2016 10:00am-11:00am Central   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Simpson Nick Sievert Andy Loftus Thom Litts Jeff Kopaksa Rebecca Krogman   Discussion: Andy- In contact with USGS about migrating MARIS, found an affordable hosting service so this process is progressing. Website Discussion Julie- Discussed last month and on communication committee call. Branding is... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 11/3/2016 10:00am-10:50am Central   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Andy Loftus Nick Sievert Thom Litts Jeff Kopaska   Discussion: Nick provides dues information Dues Reimbursement: Jan 1- Dec 31 Renewal Period: Sep 1-August 31 So using the most recent year as an example our membership roster (if we looked at the list through... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 10/6/2016 10:00am-11:08 Central   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman Andy Loftus Thom Litts Jeff Ojala Julie Claussen Jodi Whittier   Discussion: Science Communication Section Overview from Julie C: Initial discussion was to make sure it wouldn’t step on toes and would complement existing efforts Science communication is a really... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 7/14/2016 11:00am-EST   Attendees: Julie Defilippi Rebecca Krogman Nick Sievert Thom Litts   Discussion: Annual Section Meeting 2015 full report is ready to go Revised agenda for 2016 will be sent to the Executive Committee for review Julie/Nick will send out meeting materials to all current members with a meeting announcement.... Read More