
Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 4/14/2016 10:00am-   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Nick Sievert Jodi Whittier Andy Loftus Thom Litts Jeff Kopaska   Discussion: Drupal Gardens Going out of Business-Julie Website can be migrated to another webhosting platform (Bluehost is an alternative we can migrate to). Do we want to migrate to bluehost or move in another... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 3/10/2016 10:00am-11:24 CST (call continued after secretary had to disconnect).   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Jeff Kopaska Andy Loftus Nicole Eiden Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman   Discussion: Julie- AIFRB symposium, FITS donated $200, we will get to host the materials on our website. FAMS Loan Andy pointed out that we need to... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 2/11/2016 10:00am-11:24 CST (call continued after secretary had to disconnect).   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Jeff Kopaska Jeff Ojala Andy Loftus Nicole Eiden Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman Jodi Whittier   Discussion: Announcement Email (Jeff O) 4 Items Should we do a newsletter?-Jeff Probably want to get this out asap, might not be... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 1/14/2016 10:00am- CST.   Attendees: Julie DeFilippi Jeff Kopaska Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman   Discussion: Article Julie and Andy will be adding onto the article and sending back to Jodi to merge changes together. Solicit feedback from membership (announcement email or newsletter) Emily Grandstaff-Using databases on amazon cloud services? Any information... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 12/10/2015 10:00am- 10:45am CST.   Attendees: Julie Defilippi Thom Litts Rebecca Krogman Nick Sievert Jeff Ojala   Discussion: 1: Website and Portal Update Julie- Update about website and membership portal none of it is working. Trying to arrange a way for ESAB folks can have a webinar to deal with... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Executive Committee Conference Call Notes: November 12, 2015   AFS Web Updates: Website needs role out – Doug Austin 22 Oct, has contract with IMIS Group (for portal work. 4-6 weeks from this date to online.  Julie will follow up on launch date and reiterate that the ESAB should have the ability to review.... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 10/8/2015 10:00am-11:45am   Attendees: Julie Defilippi Thom Litts Andrew Loftus Jeffrey Ojala Jeff Kopaska Rebecca Krogman   Discussion: Website Update Rebecca provided an update, not much has changed since last call. New website is ready Still working on member portal IMS (sp?) has been contracted to work on the website This... Read More

A National Stream Internet

Submitted by Dan Isaak KEY POINTS Massive amounts of water quality data, biological surveys, and habitat condition assessments have been collected by natural resource organizations throughout the U.S. The National Stream Internet (NSI) project developed an analytical infrastructure that can be used consistently anywhere with existing stream databases. Status and trend assessments for the nation’s... Read More

Using Sidescan Sonar to Assess Quantity and Quality of Spawning Habitat for Lake Sturgeon Below TVA Hydroelectric Dams on the Upper Tennessee River

Submitted by Daniel Walker Fisheries managers, aquatic ecologists, and others interested in studying the habitat quality and availability for fish species in freshwater systems often face an uphill battle. Unlike our esteemed colleagues in the field of terrestrial ecology, we usually cannot rely on widely available satellite imagery and high resolution topographic maps to detail... Read More

Conference Call

FITS Excom Conference Call 9/10/2015 10:00am-11:15am   Attendees: Julie Defilippi Andy Loftus Nick Sievert Rebecca Krogman Jeff Kopaska Thom Litts Jodi Whittier   Agenda: Vacant positions (Newsletter, Webmaster, Communications)-Julie Jeff Ojala interested in taking over newsletter editing duties, Nick will work with him in determining roles going forward. Communications: Nicole Eiden has expressed interest and... Read More