
October Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes October 13, 2021 Attendees: Kayla, Paul, Tiffany, Patrick, Rebecca Welcome to President-elect Patrick Cooney (all) AFS Baltimore “COVID Effects” Symposium (Tiffany) We are still waiting for information on the symposium Action Item: Tiffany will reach out again to the Master Scheduler ( Rebecca suggested Tiffany... Read More

August Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes  August 13, 2021 Attendees: Kayla, Paul, Rebecca, Chelsea President-elect election (Tiffany) We have permission from AFS to hold FITS officer transfer at the parent meeting in November. They had initially requested 12 August 2021 in line with the Governing Board meeting. Transitioning in November gives... Read More

Graduate Position Available

Hey FITS students, I have a Master’s position open until filled. Apply now! See the listing here:   -Rebecca Krogman, Iowa DNR Fisheries Research   Read More

July Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes  July 14, 2021 Attendees: President-elect election (Tiffany) Only one candidate so has agreed to run so far. President-elect cannot run unopposed, according to FITS bylaws. Please contact Tiffany ( if you know of anyone interested or if you would like to self-nominate. Leadership transition (Paul)... Read More

Partnership Travel Award – Always OPEN for Applications!

FITS is ALWAYS accepting applicants for the Section’s Partnership Travel Award! The Partnership Travel Award is provided up to twice annually (once/six-month period) to deserving FITS members who wish to represent the Section at another group’s meeting. The award is meant to encourage networking with others in fisheries and related sciences, to garner ideas on... Read More

June Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes June 9, 2021 Attendees: Tiffany Hopper, Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli President-elect election (Tiffany) One potential candidate identified, need at least one more. If you know someone, talk to them and nominate them! Can also review Governing Board members for up-and-coming folks, see if they want... Read More

AFS Baltimore registration giveaway for qualifying FITS members!

What does being a member of the Fisheries Information and Technology Section (FITS) get you? How about assistance attending the Annual Meeting?! This year, FITS is excited to cover Early Bird or Virtual registration for AFS Baltimore (6-10 November 2021) for 10 lucky FITS members who qualify as Students or Early Career Professional (, and... Read More

May Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

AFS Fisheries Information and Technology Section Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                                                       May 13, 2021   Attendees: Paul, Bryan, Kayla, Rebecca Welcome Webmaster Bryan Minihan (Paul) Bryan is working with Grant to get more access that he needs for wordpress Kayla to start forwarding the list of current members so that Bryan can help with updating... Read More

Vote on Bylaw changes by Friday, May 10th @ 5pm!

Please vote on the following bylaw changes by Friday, 10 May 2021 at 5 pm eastern (link: These changes are intended to reduce the burden of service in years 1 and 6 by clearly specifying officer duties. Our full bylaws are here:  As per Article IX 1. A., a 2/3 majority of active... Read More