
All posts by Rebecca Krogman

ExCom Meeting Minutes 8/9/19

Attendees: Rebecca Krogman, Paul Venturelli, Sarah Grasty, Dan Weaver Election Update Final result:  Tiffany Hopper with 110 votes cast Paul: Inform Tiffany and Jason right away Rebecca: Announce the election outcome on website Paul: Recruit Jason for committee effort if possible Quarterly articles – Sarah July Issue: 2nd article published Salmon shooter company Whooshh working... Read More

Tiffany Hopper

Please Welcome Your Upcoming President-Elect!

We are excited to announce that the election for President-elect garnered over 100 member votes split between two great candidates! Thank you to both Tiffany and Jason for running; your willingness to serve and dedicate your time to the Section is very much appreciated!! Please welcome Dr. Tiffany Hopper, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, as... Read More

Focus on New Tech for Fisheries Science at AFS 2019

The FITS Section is not the only group to put together a symposium on new and advanced technologies! In addition to the full-day FITS-sponsored symposium on “Integrating Advanced Technologies into Fisheries and Wildlife Science” on Tuesday, October 1, there are two other symposia you may find interesting: Tuesday, October 1 in the afternoon: Expanding the Final... Read More

Reminder: Partnership Travel Award Open for Applications!

The Fisheries Information and Technology Section is proud to announce the 2019 Partnership Travel Award to send a Section member to the 2019 Annual Meeting of OFWIM, the Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers. OFWIM is a fellow non-profit organization that promotes the management and conservation of natural resources by facilitating technology and information... Read More

Tagging a Hot Topic in Journals and at Meeting

Tagging is an essential tool for understanding fish movement, behavior, and growth, and the science behind telemetry is growing constantly. Two papers recently highlighted aspects of fish tagging in North American Journal of Fisheries Management: one evaluating tag retention, health, growth and behavior of Age-0 Musky following acoustic transmitter implantation and one focused on radio... Read More

Imagery obtained via drone of fish schooling

Use of Drones in Fishery Science

Drones are making a splash as they make their way into a Featured Paper in Transactions! The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), commonly referred to as drones, has rapidly expanded across many scientific disciplines. Like other fields, fisheries research would benefit significantly from broader use of this emerging technology but has lagged behind other... Read More

2019 Partnership Travel Award Open for Application!

The Fisheries Information and Technology Section is proud to announce the 2019 Partnership Travel Award to send a Section member to the 2019 Annual Meeting of OFWIM, the Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers. OFWIM is a fellow non-profit organization that promotes the management and conservation of natural resources by facilitating technology and information... Read More

Volunteers Needed

Looking for a way to get more involved? FITS wants you! The Fisheries Information and Technology Section works to connect fisheries scientists with the solutions they need for fisheries research and management. Center for Fisheries Technology and Collaboration Committee – This committee will work to establish an environment both at the Annual Meeting and online... Read More