Editorial Assistance Program
Editorial Assistance Service Program
The International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society offers an Editorial
Assistance Service Program for fisheries scientists with English as a second or foreign
language. The program provides editorial comments and feedback on final drafts of peer-
reviewed manuscripts prior to journal submission. The goal is to overcome common English-
editing obstacles to publishing, but the service will not directly influence the acceptance of
manuscripts to journals.
If you are a fisheries scientist with English as a second or foreign language and wish to receive
feedback on a manuscript, please fill out this request form.
The International Fisheries Section reserves the right to refuse any requests and priority will be
given to International Fisheries Section members, American Fisheries Society members, and
manuscripts intended for American Fisheries Society journals.
Editorial Assistance Program Volunteer Editors
Are you willing to be a volunteer editor for the International Fisheries Section Editorial
Assistance Program?
Many international fishery scientists are faced with the challenge of English as a foreign
language, which can deter publishing work. The International Fisheries Section is offering an
Editorial Assistance Program to assist overcoming this potential barrier. The goal of the
program is to provide editorial comments and feedback on final drafts of peer-reviewed
manuscripts from fisheries scientists with English as a second or foreign language. The service is
only to provide assistance before a manuscript is submitted to a journal for review. With
enough volunteers, requests for editorial assistance should not be a burden.
This is an excellent way to become involved in the section and with the greater international
fisheries community. Sign up as a volunteer by providing your information on the form at http://goo.gl/forms/p9tlxG7DwG.