Bern Megrey Travel Award
Dr. Bern Megrey was a pioneer leader in ecosystem-based fisheries management through the comparative analysis of marine ecosystems. He enthusiastically embraced new ideas and technologies to advance ecosystem science and worked tirelessly on training and cultivating young scientists. Bern was a long-time active member of the American Fisheries Society, a Past-President of the International Fisheries Section, and major organizer of World Fisheries Congresses (1992, Athens, Greece; 1996 Brisbane, Australia; 2000 Beijing, China; 2004 Vancouver, Canada). He was also instrumental in the formation of the AFS Mexico Chapter, and an active leader within the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PISCES). A year before his passing in 2009, Bern received the Oscar Elton Sette Award for sustained excellence in marine fishery biology through research, teaching, and administration. Bern’s many contributions to fisheries science were commemorated in Moksness et al. (2012) Marine Ecology Progress Series 459: 165-167
The IFS Executive Committee has the goal this year of granting 2 travel awards of $500 each to help keep Bern’s memory alive. The awards will help support travel for 2 fisheries professionals residing outside of North America who are members of the International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society to attend the 3-9 March 2024 World Fisheries Congress in Seattle, Washington. Priority will be given to early-career professionals conducting research on marine fisheries or marine fisheries management, and those requiring only partial support (e.g. airfare, registration, lodging, or per diem).
Communication: All applications for the Bern Megrey Travel Award should be sent to the Section Secretary ( – ATT: Thiago Ribeiro). These will be collected and forwarded to the Selection Committee for review, ranking and decision. Submission of an application acknowledges that the applicant accepts that the decision of the Selection Committee is final. The Committee will document its deliberations in its minutes, which will be forwarded to the Section Secretary.
Award: The actual award will be made by the Section Treasurer directly to the recipient after expenses have been incurred or to the recipient’s affiliated institution in repayment for funds already expended in anticipation of the award. In all cases, the award recipient shall provide receipts that are consistent with the award designation.
Application: A complete electronic application must include:
1) A cover letter that includes the justification for requesting support, a statement addressing why the applicant believes s/he is eligible for the Bern Megrey Travel Award, a detailed budget including total costs, amount requested, and any matching funds that can be contributed by the applicant.
2) A curriculum vitae that includes educational history, employment history, current and past fishery leadership positions held, publication record, presentations at scientific meetings, other professional experiences, and any service to the International Fisheries Section.
3) Indication of an accepted abstract for either an oral or poster presentation at the 2024 World Fisheries Congress.
4) A letter from a mentor on institutional letterhead recommending the applicant for the Bern Megrey Travel Award.
5) A draft letter to Bern’s widow (Ronnette Megrey) indicating how much the award may contribute to the recipient’s professional career.
An application may be returned without review if any part is missing, or if it is received after the award closure date.
Deadline: Completed applications must be received for review no later than 15 October 2023.
Notification: The Bern Megrey Award recipient will receive an official letter from the International Fisheries Section President (or a designee) attached to an email notifying him or her of the award by 30 October 2023.
Post-meeting responsibilities of the awardee: Provide a short summary of your experiences at the World Fisheries Congress for the IFS to post online and if attending the following IFS business meeting, provide a short verbal report on those experiences.