IFS Awards
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International Fisheries Science Prize
The International Fisheries Science Prize honors an organization or individual for their contribution to global fisheries science or conservation and is presented once every four years at the meeting of the World Fisheries Congress.
OLAF International and Indigenous Membership Award
The OLAF International Membership Awards support the IFS goals of assisting the international community with networking and conference opportunities and provide the exchange of information and technical assistance among fishery workers.
AFS International Fisheries Section Fellow Award
The International Fisheries Section (IFS) and the Education Section of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) support an exchange program with the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI).
International Travel Award
The International Travel Award provides funds for International Fisheries Members that reside outside of the USA and Canada for activities that support the IFS goals of assisting the international community with networking and conference opportunities and provide the exchange of information and technical assistance among fishery workers.
Collaboration and Communication Fund
The objectives of the International Fisheries Section (IFS) of the American Fisheries Society are to: i) support and promote worldwide fishery educational, organizational, and research efforts, and to ii) increase North American fishery scientists’ awareness of the interests, needs, and contributions of their colleagues worldwide.
Bern Megrey Fund
The awards will help support travel for 2 fisheries professionals residing outside of North America and Australia that are members of the International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society to attend the World Fisheries Congress.